Double income of more than 3.000 cocoa farmers in Brazil by 2030
farmers income improvement
cocoa farmers above living income
cocoa farmers
women cocoa farmers
premium price over commodity cocoa
farmers with access to credit
farmers satisfaction with Dengo
Scholar attendance

Aujourd'hui, 93% de l'emballage Dengo ne comprend aucun plastique. L'objectif Zéro Plastique, c'est pour bientôt.
sold in bulk
d'emballage par tonne de produit
plastic in our packaging

Réduire de moitié le taux de sucre ajouté dans nos produits Développer et adopter des substituts naturels plus sains (réduire le sucre est préférable aux édulcorants).
added sugar in our products

Preserve the nature, estimulate organic cocoa and agroforesty. 100% of our cocoa comes from Cabruca or other agrofloresty systems.
Hectares of preserved forests in Brazil
Implemented hectares of SAF or degraded areas recovery
At Dengo, we welcome all contributors to our cause in which we actively strive to create a better environment for all.
From cocoa, to chocolate, to packaging… We respect every individual, the process and our planet.
Cocoa reminds us that the earth provides us with endless possibilities and allows us to come up with perfectly balanced combinations that highlight nature’s abundant flavors.
We’re proud to play our part in a responsible supply chain and recognize that it’s the basis of every humane business.
We celebrate everyone’s right to live, express and share who they are and what they stand for. When it comes to tolerance, there is no gray area.
L'amour, la terre, les ingrédients, les saveurs, le cacao... Le Brésil et son immense générosité. C'est notre terre nourricière. La source permanente de notre inspiration.